Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve peoples of this universe. It hasn't been a bad year. It's had its up and downs and sometimes came out out rough. But it ain't been half bad. We're all OK. At least everyone I know.
           This has been a year of lessons. A year of building. I hope I can build off of 2015.
             So whether it's been rough or cheery, I hope you have a good 2016 :) So long and Merry Christmas!!!
P.S. I'm writing this on my phone so I can't add the check marks. LOL


Monday, December 21, 2015

Music Monday--Life is Better

             Hey guys! So it's Music Monday again. So I know this is getting random but this is one of my favorite love songs. I haven't been listening to Maroon 5 until recently but I also like Misery, She Will Be Loved, Makes Me Wonder, and I Won't Go Home With Out You which is a wonderful love song in itself. Speaking of love--no I am not in love. LOL I'm single like normal. Maybe it's not as bad as I thought--life in general.
So long--
\\\/ Yup

Friday, December 18, 2015

Honest Blog

         So hi guys yesterday was my birthday. And today's the 18th. I've had a really good week so far. I honestly think one of the best days was orientation.
         I've been thinking a lot about my future and I kinda realize I need to chill out. I've really been stressing myself out and the was never the point of this whole social media thing. It was to record, and put enjoyable, and maybe beautiful content out into the world. Like maybe my tumblr. But that doesn't mean I want to be on every single day and I got to let things chill. Maybe in all areas of my life. Maybe not all of them. In some I probably need to stand up for myself. Anyway I got my phone and downloaded some new apps. I really like how easy it is to video stuff on there and I may be doing a lot of that.
        Anyway I really look to forward to this college thing. I really like it there and I look forward to my life when I get out.
        So I guess all in all this really isn't a sad blog. Last year I really let this emotions get a handle on me and I made my myself miserable. My problems may be weird but that doesn't mean I shouldn't get a handle on them.
        I really enjoyed orientation though. After I got home and got my time to think about it I was really happy. So I guess this is just an honest blog. I'm not doing badly at all, I guess I'm just working out some things. At the end the of the day maybe its choosing to be happy about the small things until you can figure out the bigger things... So long--

\/ \/ \/ Yup :)

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Little Update/Next Week Will Be Great

           Hi. Good afternoon. So I feel like this week my life begins. While I still don't feel quite right, I've got a lot going on. Tomorrow my phone's finally coming. The 16th is orientation and the 17th is my birthday. That's right I finally got into school! I'm gonna study drafting/CAD.
          Oh and here's Music Monday in advance:

         So I think I'm gonna be feeling a lot happier. At least I'm gonna have a lot more to do. And I feel really really good about the choice I've made :) So long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Music Monday

             So it's definitely not Music Monday but here's some music anyway.
             So I guess I'm living with mixed feelings. Anyway right now I feel really happy. Sometimes I don't, but I try. The world just looks better if you're feeling positive. More opportunities. I just gotta be patient. Though I do know that can't always happen for everyone all the time. I'm just trying to stay positive :)
             I've liked this song for a really long time.

\/ \/ \/ Yup 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


            There's been new and recent developments in my life. Good ones. My little world of chaos has quieted down. Maybe 2016 will be my year. I'm really grateful for the things that have cleared up in my life. Nevertheless there's a lot of thoughts floating around in my and I just can't get them to stop. I call it my obsessive trait and I'm trying to control it.
             The deal is I'm getting caught up on my life and doing good things, but I'm unnecessarily stressing myself out about it. It's just all in my head. Anyway be quiet head, and goodnight guys--
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Monday, November 30, 2015

I Love It (I Love This Song)

         I really really love this song. There's not a word of this song I don't agree with. I also love the video. I love the the "really don't care part". I need a quite a bit more of that in my life. LOL
         This has been a kinda rough Monday, but I'm trying to be happy. I went to the library today and got some books, I'm reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown (I always love Dan Brown books), I also bought some cool purple ponytails, and some candy. So I guess I can say my day is going pretty good, even though it's been a bit stressful.
          So I hope you guys are having a great Monday--

\/ \/ \/ Yup :)

P.S. Welcome to the first of 'Music Monday's'.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Things To Come

            So it's been a little over a month since I quit my job, and I feel a lot better. Not perfect, but a lot better. It took about 4 or 5 days, but after that I started feeling more like myself. That's slowly escalated until I feel better than I've felt in a long time. Life's not with out it's issues though and the past few weeks have been rough.
            I still feel so thankful for feeling good and for all the stuff that's happening including getting caught up on my social media. I know it's hard, but I don't ever want to stop doing it. It's part of my journey and what I want to do with my life. I just need to do it!
            I really like this time of year even though the days are shorter because of Christmas, my birthday, etc. I ordered a phone on black Friday. Surprisingly enough I'm turning 19 and I've never had a cell phone before. I look forward to that.
          By Dec. 9th I'll have a letter saying whether I get to go to school or not. I have a really good feeling. Keep your fingers crossed.
          I'll be 19 on the 17th and  I feel really good about things most days. I watch a lot of TV, but I am trying to do stuff, and I look forward to all the things to come this year. 👍 

\/ \/ \/ Yup :)

Monday, October 26, 2015

Oogum Boogum

          Well I'm all alone. I'm not technically but it feels that way. The funny thing is that I love to feel alone. I guess this time it's just not the same way. I quit my job. Honestly it was for the best. It just wasn't a good life choice to work there.
         My head feels like it's in a mush and in a muddle. I just can't have one straight thought. My only straight thought being I don't like this. I don't like not working, I don't like the way my life is going. I know what I want, I just don't know which way I wanna do it. I don't know any answers to any questions right now. I guess I just don't feel good. I hope the feeling passes. I know it will, but I think it's about time for me to make my way. Patience never was my strong point. Right now I just don't got any of the answers.
        I'm gonna start having "Music Mondays". Putting my favorite song into a blog and telling you why I like it. My first favorite song is "The Oogum Boogum Song" by Brenton Wood. I love that song. I just love the compliments he paid the girl. I don't even know if a girl existed. LOL
        So Long--

\/ \/ \/ Yup

Monday, September 14, 2015

Moving Forward

Bright new future...

         Expect in the next year to see a lot of transformations. This is a good pic, but let lets this be the before pic. And sometime I'll post an after pic.
          I'm gonna change a lot of things about my life. Try to be my true self. So have an awesome day :) --
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Monday, August 24, 2015

You're Actually Doing Ok

       Write another blog
       Here I am to write another blog.
       She went down town
       I stayed uptown.

       She went to Chinatown.
       I stayed home.
       She knew me.
       I knew her.

       I stayed here.
       She went away.
       Now we're both happy.

       I know.
       But its all about being happy.
       So relax.
       Your doing OK.

       You're probably doing really OK for your situation.
       After all the miles you've walked.
       And you've got nowhere.
       And you just look in that puddle and
       See You

       Know you're different.
       But the worlds the same.
       So forget them.
       It's just takes time.

       So you're not perfect
       I assure everyone
       No one is.
       Just start climbing upwards.

       It's all the same.
       You know.
       She knows.
       But some day that puddle'll tell you different.

This is what I was listening to while I wrote this.
Someone New--Hosier
Stay Strong. Don't give in. Congratulate yourself. You're actually doing OK.

Shout Out To Kendric Oldenberg. You're a great magician. Here's his Youtube Channel.

\\/ \/ Yup :)

Friday, July 24, 2015

Hey Baes

          Hey baes. I know you thought I'd never come back but I did.
          I never give up. LOL I'm about to start a whole bunch of stuff and I'm just trying to keep my life balanced.
          Things get complicated but it's great to remember life really is awesome. You don't know all the answers but I bet you can think up some good things. So lets all try to focus on the good things we know and not the unanswered questions. It doesn't mean we aren't going to encounter pain. I just don't want to live in a cloud of it. Especially with out a good reason. So I do know some things: love. It may be a crazy ride but it's worth it. For the moments. Life. The challenge, the discipline you have to have to get what you want. It might not always to be awesome that moment but it's worth it. The breaks,t the rewards. Knowing that your one step closer to getting this thing right :)

Friday, June 12, 2015


         OK so I'm sitting here studying math. That isn't going so well so I'm doing other stuff. I take the ACT tomorrow.
        This weeks been a busy week. A lot has happened. I got some makeup. I got the results to the math part of my GED (I failed it the first time.) I passed and now I am an official graduate. LOL At least that is done. And done pretty well I might say. I know I should be studying, but every time I start it's hard and I don't like it, and I don't understand the answers. So pretty much I'm three. And I'm procrastinating.
           Other than the math thing my life is going really well. I was really stressed out, but now I've calmed down. The world is hardly over and I'm doing good. So long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup :)

Friday, June 5, 2015

              Hello peoples. Well life has it's ups and downs. But right now I feel hopeful. I came up and I went down. Now I'm trying to find my up again. LOL But everything feels pretty good. So long--
                                                            \/ \/ \/ Yup

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Well This Got Weird

             Hello guys. It's my lazy Tuesday off. My first and only of this week.
             As far as recent developments go there's not many. I do want to start drawing comic strips though. I've always loved to draw them, but I've only did like three. I'm really bad at drawing. Anyway I like making them, so that's what I'm going to start doing.
            Next month I may get my drivers license. That's a development that's long in coming. My save for a car is going well. I don't know how long, but it shouldn't be long 'till I have a car.
          My job at the store is going OK. I'm way better at. It's still difficult but I just rather go to work than not. I'm just not one of those people who stay at home. I just need to get out of the house.
        Speaking of that; I've made a little change in plans. I've decided on a different college that I want to go to. I had a first and second choice college. It was a hard decision, but ultimately I looked at the courses of both degrees at the colleges. And one is way better than the other. It does a lot of research and has a quite a few scholarships. One particular that I'm interested in.
          I think I've been living in reality more. And I actually think it's been good for me. After all our lives are the reality that we pick. And I'm proud of the one I've picked: civil engineering (no matter how hard it'll be), helping people, creating stuff, etc. It'll have it's hard times, but those are something I own too. Even now while things aren't great as they can be. I've kicked a lot of demons. A lot of bullies. And even the bad times teach us stuff--
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

First Person Narrative

          I think I'm going to try to write this blog as chapters of of life in first person narrative. So it's gonna look a little weird at first, but I think it'll turn out awesome.
         I'm not gonna do the whole chapter thing. But I do want this to be a long term thing. (I'm gonna try it anyway.)
         By the way I'm taking my ACT on June 13th, and I'm finishing my GED on May 28. So good luck everyone. So long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup :)

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Goooood Morning

          OK, good morning guys. So it's a beautiful Sunday. And I don't got a lot to say but I'm happy. Life's about balance and we all know I ain't got that. I can't even walk without falling down. LOL But today I'm not worried. All we got to do in this life is work. Really do the best we can do. And I've found in my life it eventually all comes together. After that I don't we should feel bad. Just do the best we can do. After all I'm not you. And you're not me. So so long. Be happy guys--
P.S. I hope this makes sense.
This is about my last blog. I'm doing the best I can do :)

\\/ \/ Yup :)

Friday, April 24, 2015

'A' Game

          The one day I try to do everything right everything goes wrong. Oh well I guess it's just on of those days. At least I wish I could find my calculator. Math sucks. I've really never been good at it. And this started at fractions.
           Anyway what are you guys doing on this bright and sunny morn. I'm just thinking about math (which I should be doing), coding (which I should be learning), and youtube (which by writing this blog I'm strangely fulfilling my requirements).
           I know I haven't had anything good to say in a little while. My work schedule is kinda a mess. It's a little different every week, so it's really hard to get into a routine. I mainly just want to watch TV. And that terrible because that's not who I am. I got to get on my 'A' game.
          Anyway I hope you have a marvelous day, and good studying, or whatever you're doing. So long--

\/ \/ \/ Yup :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

           Hi guys, so my website is complete. At least for those of you who have computers. I'm not sure how it looks on mobile. Anyway I put a lot of work into it so I hope you enjoy it:
          It's a beautiful day in TN and it's my day off so I'm enjoying internet time. I got too much to do, but life is short so I'm going to enjoy this day :)
         I hope you too. So long--

          \\\/ Yup

Friday, April 17, 2015

Sad and Happy, It's Not Bad Though :)

              Well hi guys it's kinda late and I haven't written in a little while. There's been no spectacular changes in my life. Still working. It's hard. It's a rough job. But it's so nice to see those pay checks in the bank. I actually have a little bit saved up.
             Here lately I've been feeling jealous of other people instead of being happy with the way things are. Sadly I don't think that feeling is going to go instantly away, but there are some good things:
                                      1. I got books at the library today
                                      2. While some people lack mercy and compassion, I'm grateful I was blessed with some. I can't imagine how painful their lives are or how painful they make others.
                                     3. I've meet some new awesome people.
                                     4. My past really hasn't come back.
                                     5. While I'm still worried I feel I'm back on track. (Back to feeling like myself.)
                                     6. Life has tossed me around a bit, but I've learned a lot of important lessons.
                                      7. While I don't have a boyfriend someday I will be loved and I'm prepared for that. Things'll be so goooood.
               I'm very sorry if this post seems to be a downer. I really need to do this more though and get things off my chest.
        In some happy news I made a youtube channel, my blog is still getting lots of views, and I'm working on an IndicanPoetess website!!!! It's almost complete. I'll release it in this blog next week, hopefully.
So long guys, and I hope I write more--

\/ \/ \/ Yup

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Thank You

             I've been noticing I have a lot of views. I don't know who are mystery viewers, but thank you. Please follow my blog and have a wonderful Tuesday. I'm going to work at 11. Yay me I don't have to get up early.
             I hope guys stick around and keep viewing my blog. Thank you. Bye. So long--      
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Monday, March 23, 2015

Our Dog Had Puppies or I Got 99 Problems and They're Literally All Me

             Wow. I'm working the third week at my job. I'm currently doing dishes so I got to go back down stairs and do them. Oh and my laundry. This day is just getting better.
               OK, well still doing dishes. A whole fruckus has been started I don't look forward to when my parents come home. I still got writers block. I think at least. It's not nearly as bad as it was. For that I'm grateful. I'm just not sure if I still wanna write. You know the moment I give up on it is the moment I write.
               My hours at the store are making me irritable. 7 to 11 today. Everyday this week is different. I just can'ta wait until the get set.
               Don't get me wrong I still love blogging. It's like writing in a personal diary. It makes me really happy. I just haven't thought up anything creative in a little while, much less a poem. I have been thing about painting and other visual art here lately. I've always loved them and I just need to take things lightly right now. I've figured out most of my problems are I take life to seriously. Not that it's not meant to be taking seriously, sometimes you just need to lighten up. I get really stressed out and worried about things that no else does and are never going to make a single difference. I took way to many things that needed to be taken lighter with a seriousness that literally sometime kills.
             Oh well I'm doing better and when I have time I'll do a full breakdown of hings I've learned. In other news our dog had puppies.

So long. Your very busy--
\/ \/ \/ Yup               

Friday, March 13, 2015

Facing My Fears, Etc.

          Sorry guys for not posting stuff. I started a new job and a lot's been going down. No matter what's going down I promise not to go anywhere. I'll still be here. LOL I think I'm gonna try to be blogging about once a week.
         This week I'm gonna try to be facing things that scare me. It's really hard but it's worth it. It's something that's personally really hard for me. I'm not the kinda person to deal with things like that. Issues, problems, etc, I will. I don't like to deal with problems like that but I will. The big things, well, I just always kinda had nightmares about those. I'm not currently having nightmares, thank God, but that doesn't mean I should leave things unresolved. There are a great deal of opportunities out there and I may miss them if I don't handles my insecurities and fears. Also it would help if I just got my butt in gear. LOL On second thought this makes me feel better so maybe I should do it every night :)
         In other news I started a job. Working at FoodGiant in the Deli. For those of you not here FoodGiant is just a supermarket.
         Well that's all I have for this week. So so long--
                       (Source Navy FB)                                                           
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

1st Day of Work

                 Well hello, my first day of work went well. I'll be glad when training's over so I can work, but all in all I had a pretty good day.
                 I'm feeling pretty good in general. Trying not to stress. That's only being semi-successful act. It's just very hard for me to relax and not become obsessed. It's hard not to let my brain get me so obsessed about so many little things, and lots of insecurities, that I'm no longer in charge anymore.
                  Well anyway I'm going to try to relax now. Goodnight everyone. So long--

\/ \/ \/ Yup :)

Saturday, February 28, 2015


                 Hello people :) Well I got a job. I'm going to work on Wednesday. Been busy. My minds a little blank. It's funny how if you get ever thing done you neglect things like cleaning, but if you clean then you neglect everything else. I'm almost at the end of this GED race. I'll be taking it on March 9th, then hopefully I'll be taking the ACT on April 18th. Too late to apply to college this year, but that does leave me the winter semester. I'm not depressed about it like you think I would be. I'll work until then and make a little money.
                I've been feeling better lately. Strangely enough, cleaning my room has made me feel better. Everything's clean (OK I only cleaned half of my room, but I'll get there), and organised, and I feel more in control. And I'm reminded of all the great things that I do have. So long--


\/ \/ \/ Yup 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Hello Internet--I'm Back

          Hello guys, well first blog since I took a break. The two weeks off was interesting. Things didn't exactly go as I planned. For one they postponed the GED to March 9th. Oh well I have two more weeks left to study.
           I was in kinda of a dreary mood when I left. Things haven't gotten any better, but I now think I know how to make them that way. You see there's the key. Knowing how. Knowing how to make things better.
            I now have a plan. It's not my favorite plan by any means, but it has a few good points. Including moving to a place I like. My journey may make a few twisty turns but I won't give up. I really want to go that college. And I'm going. I'll be fine. I'm more concerned about myself in love. I always have a hard time. I'm just learning who I am.
         Well anyway hello internet, I'm back. And no matter how much I dislike you at times I'll always be back. So long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Monday, February 9, 2015

"Till Two Weeks

           I'm going to get my GED in two weeks so I won't be here much. I just need to focus on that for a little bit, plus I have some other things I need to work out. So good-bye for the next two weeks. I will keep some stuff up on my facebook page. So good-bye guys. Enjoy life. Have a good day :) So long--

\/ \/ \/ Yup 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

All About Dat Balance

                  Hi guys. Really busy. Crazy balance. Life is all about balance. And balance isn't even spelled with an "e". Why? OK so I've been trying to get my life in order. I've said that many times. I'm actually working on it this time. Really hard. Every day. Maybe be 2016 I'll have it together. OK no I'm kidding, 2017. Yeah, lol 2017 is perfect. I just get to doing so well on one thing. Then I neglect all the others. And for no particular reason.
                  Well the good news is I got awesome books to read. I feel pretty good (for the lack of sleep I've got.) Studying is going OK. I have my minutes where I feel it could be going better. But all in all I'm better at math than what I thought. Not great. Not great at all. But apparently I can get it. I've got some new stuff and my capability to think big and dream is coming back. For a little while my brain was dead.
                   Well so long--

Monday, February 2, 2015

This Time of My Life Could Be Called: The Moment of Truth

           Been studying today. Fairly successfully I might say. It's still stressful.
           I've came up with some pretty good ideas for my FB page. I'm glad that's finally being a bit easier.
           I'm also feeling a little bit better. Not fully mind you, just a little, and that's nice. I figured out where my thoughts went wrong, and what I was doing with my life. Something I've found out is your first plan was probably the best. Not that it couldn't use alterations, but changing it too much probably isn't going to create the results you want. Writing is a funny thing with me. The subject of much of my inner conflict. The pain we artists go through to handle our creative brains. It's just harder for us to figure out what they're trying to tell us. I get so overwhelmed and worried I won't enjoy doing any of the things I love, I forget it just might be a little thing.
           Right now this chapter of my life could be called: The Moment of Truth. Sadly I hate moments of truth. They require so much energy. LOL I'm just kidding the reason why I hate moments of truth are because many of them are moments of conflict as well, and bravery, and standing up for yourself. Yay. That's just what I'm good at. Anyway the ax will fall. I will have my moment of truth and it's time I grow up and do this. This will not be the only time life requires me to stand up for myself. Some of you guys may be laughing and think this is easy, but a lot of people have a hard standing up for themselves. It's hard. I'm getting a little better at it each day. Someday I'll be Ok.
            This isn't a sad post. This is the time in my life I've been waiting for for years. It's time to get ready. To bite the bullet. To do the things I want to do, and live the life I want. It's only going to end in misery if I don't. Well so long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Friday, January 30, 2015

On Love

                   I'm so sad. I have such a hard time in love. Finding it. Getting people to like me. Knowing who I am. I just get so sad. I think I might've loved someone a long time ago. Even though we're never going to be together I still think about them all of the time. It okay though, it's a nice memory. That person will always be in my heart. It's hardest when I find people that look like that person though.
                 I'm always looking around and somebodies always getting into a relationship. It looks so easily. One day you're single and the next day you've found the person you're gonna merry. LOL. Maybe I don't need that, but I do need someone.
               Somtimes I wonder if I'll ever fall in love. Maybe I can't. It doesn't seem plausible, but I don't know. Have I ever been in love? Still the answer remains the same. I have people who I hold in my heart. I've had a lot of crushes. Liking people (other that right now) isn't hard for me, but love remains elusive.
              Good-bye guys. Have a nice week. Be lucky. LOL. So long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Friday, January 23, 2015

Here's some pics of me :)


               OK, guys I'm really tired. Today was the 2nd day I did a GED class thing.
              I haven't been up to much. Mainly just watching Louis Cole vlogs. They're really cool.
              I've come a long way without getting a cold, but my throat is starting to get a little sore and my lymph nodes are sore.
              It's tomorrow. Sorry I haven't been around much. I've been doing things. What I truthfully need to do is study, but nevertheless today I decided to work on my IndicanPoetess facebook page. I need to put more of my poetry up, but I did get a whole week of #NightlyQuotes queued. Should I or should I not also put them up on tumblr?
              I keep watching Louis Cole's vlogs, and they simultaneously make me want to travel and take photography. On the subject of photography I keep looking at more and more photography and wonder if I would enjoy taking it as much as I enjoy looking at it. I've always been more of a experience it now and write about it later kind of person. I might give it a go. Who knows what could happen. Any way, have a nice day. Take pictures. LoL. I got to go. So long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup
P.S. Here's the link to my facebook.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Awesome Plans

                   Today I feel like I've found a lot of myself. In life we are given lots choices. Sometimes between awesome and awesome. Make sure you've found the right awesome.
                   I've had a lot of fun today. Listened to a lot of music, helped out, studied, and blogged stuff on tumblr. It's seriously awesome. Check out the archive, you can view a lot more stuff there at one time, and it's seriously awesome.
                 I want to help lots of people in life and go on lots of adventures. After I get out of college I kinda want to divide my time doing just that. Those are the most important things to me.
                 I just want to live a life of adventure and be happy, no matter how cliched that sounds. Don't worry I will do other things too. I feel like I'll end up with several careers. I want to start my own organization, or maybe just a project (or multiple ones), volunteer for quite a few different organizations (that ones not out reach 'cause all you really got to do is just volunteer,) possibly go on an archaeological dig, write books, blog, become an artist, and keep up with all my online stuff.
                 There might be sacrifices, but that'll be okay. I'm happy and I look forward to my adult life. A lot of people want you too down size your expectations so you aren't knocked on your ass. But they fail to mention the misery of not doing things that cause you to live a happy life. I'd risk being knocked flat on my butt. It might be part of the journey. Never give up. So long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Day 2 or 3--Practice Test

Day Number 2--HiSet Practice Test
               Well it's actually day number 3, yesterday was scheduled for a little later so we had to finish today. I did pretty well today. I did good in reading, science, and social studies; not so well in math or writing. Here are my scores, Math 11 out of 25--Somewhat prepared, Reading 27 out of 27--Well prepared, Writing 14 out of 27--Somewhat prepared, Science 23 out of 25--Well prepared, Social Studies--23 out of 25--Well prepared. The wring part is more like editing than writing (except for the essay of course).
              Tonight I'm doing the dishes. Not exactly what I want to be doing.
              Well I got to go. Over and out--
\/ \/ \/ Yup 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

GED Process

             Today I'm rather exhausted. Yesterday I started the GED process. It's very stressful, but very worth it.
             I've noticed here lately as the week goes on I get more and more stressed out. At this rate I'm going to die. I'm dead. Ahh no worries though things are moving on and I'm thankful for that. If yours truly would stop procrastinating I would be done 'cause I only have like two things to do to day. Wow, I'm such a procrastinator. If I sound different or snarky it's just cause I just got through watching a snarky video. Blame it on that. LOL JK Gotta go guys.
                                                                                                 Over and out,
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Sunday, January 11, 2015


              Hello guys, today is Sunday. Happy Sunday.
              I've been thinking and you really got to face your problems before they get better. That's your tip for this Sunday. I've really been working on relaxing and not getting as stressed out as I was, at the same time I've been working more. So maybe it's just about getting good and relaxed.
              I'm going to start the GED process tomorrow. I waited along time and a got the feeling this is going to take a lot longer. Don't get me wrong I'm really glad this got started. I'm just a little impatient I guess.
              I really want to get my own place or maybe an apartment. I feel it would be nice for me. The trouble is finding a place, or coming up with the money.
              In other news, is the font on blog hard to read? If so please comment and let me know. I've been watching Stalker and I made a We Heart It account. If you you want follow me click on this. If you want to see more cool stuff check out my tumblr blog.
               Relax, curl up and watch a move. Enjoy your Sunday. Have a nice day. Bye!
                                                                                                Over and out,
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Thursday, January 8, 2015

            What happens when a writer is broken? That seems to be the story of my life. For the longest time now I've had a hard time writing. There's so many aspects of it I'm sure; but I'm tired of this, so I'm going to fix myself. A lot of the aspects of my life aren't so peachy now, but I'm working on it. I made a little bit of progress yesterday when I stopped stressing and just enjoyed myself. I made a little progress when I realized I can write in first person narrative (I think that's what it's called) really, really well. I enjoy that kind of writing and I think once I begin I'll be really good at it.
           So I've been enjoying and taking little steps at a time. It's hard tight now because I feel so panicky. After what I've been through I'm sure we all would, but I think I'm going to be Okay.
                                                                                                    So long,
Yup \/ \/ \

Friday, January 2, 2015

        Well today's been a dozy. With emotional ups and downs. I'm learning how to drive and I honestly think it's more stressful for my parents than for me.
         One minute I'm so anxious I think I could die and then (thank you to these people) everything feels a lot better.
         In 2015 I'm going to have play my cards close to hand. I'm going to have to use delicate precision. It's going to be tough and I got to stay focused. Or I'm gonna drop the ball.
        I hope this is the year I get into college, I hope this is the year I get a boyfriend, I hope this year I'm braver and I live up to my full potential. I gotta stop being scared and letting people push me around. I gotta start really being who I am and not hiding. It's hard but you got to put your foot out of the comfort zone. Just a little at a time. Crawl out of that dark hole. Just a little at a time. It's hard, but you'll look back and be amazed you ever were that person, caught in that web, that dark spot. You'll know how far you've come and how far you have to go, but it will feel so much better :)
              Down below drinking water for new years eve. Yup, it's real water.
              Also in other new I made a teeny tiny book read it at Wattpad. (I really hope that link works.)
                                                                                                 Signing off,
\/ \/ \/ Yup