Saturday, February 28, 2015


                 Hello people :) Well I got a job. I'm going to work on Wednesday. Been busy. My minds a little blank. It's funny how if you get ever thing done you neglect things like cleaning, but if you clean then you neglect everything else. I'm almost at the end of this GED race. I'll be taking it on March 9th, then hopefully I'll be taking the ACT on April 18th. Too late to apply to college this year, but that does leave me the winter semester. I'm not depressed about it like you think I would be. I'll work until then and make a little money.
                I've been feeling better lately. Strangely enough, cleaning my room has made me feel better. Everything's clean (OK I only cleaned half of my room, but I'll get there), and organised, and I feel more in control. And I'm reminded of all the great things that I do have. So long--


\/ \/ \/ Yup 

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