Sunday, February 22, 2015

Hello Internet--I'm Back

          Hello guys, well first blog since I took a break. The two weeks off was interesting. Things didn't exactly go as I planned. For one they postponed the GED to March 9th. Oh well I have two more weeks left to study.
           I was in kinda of a dreary mood when I left. Things haven't gotten any better, but I now think I know how to make them that way. You see there's the key. Knowing how. Knowing how to make things better.
            I now have a plan. It's not my favorite plan by any means, but it has a few good points. Including moving to a place I like. My journey may make a few twisty turns but I won't give up. I really want to go that college. And I'm going. I'll be fine. I'm more concerned about myself in love. I always have a hard time. I'm just learning who I am.
         Well anyway hello internet, I'm back. And no matter how much I dislike you at times I'll always be back. So long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup

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