Friday, December 18, 2015

Honest Blog

         So hi guys yesterday was my birthday. And today's the 18th. I've had a really good week so far. I honestly think one of the best days was orientation.
         I've been thinking a lot about my future and I kinda realize I need to chill out. I've really been stressing myself out and the was never the point of this whole social media thing. It was to record, and put enjoyable, and maybe beautiful content out into the world. Like maybe my tumblr. But that doesn't mean I want to be on every single day and I got to let things chill. Maybe in all areas of my life. Maybe not all of them. In some I probably need to stand up for myself. Anyway I got my phone and downloaded some new apps. I really like how easy it is to video stuff on there and I may be doing a lot of that.
        Anyway I really look to forward to this college thing. I really like it there and I look forward to my life when I get out.
        So I guess all in all this really isn't a sad blog. Last year I really let this emotions get a handle on me and I made my myself miserable. My problems may be weird but that doesn't mean I shouldn't get a handle on them.
        I really enjoyed orientation though. After I got home and got my time to think about it I was really happy. So I guess this is just an honest blog. I'm not doing badly at all, I guess I'm just working out some things. At the end the of the day maybe its choosing to be happy about the small things until you can figure out the bigger things... So long--

\/ \/ \/ Yup :)

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