Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Well This Got Weird

             Hello guys. It's my lazy Tuesday off. My first and only of this week.
             As far as recent developments go there's not many. I do want to start drawing comic strips though. I've always loved to draw them, but I've only did like three. I'm really bad at drawing. Anyway I like making them, so that's what I'm going to start doing.
            Next month I may get my drivers license. That's a development that's long in coming. My save for a car is going well. I don't know how long, but it shouldn't be long 'till I have a car.
          My job at the store is going OK. I'm way better at. It's still difficult but I just rather go to work than not. I'm just not one of those people who stay at home. I just need to get out of the house.
        Speaking of that; I've made a little change in plans. I've decided on a different college that I want to go to. I had a first and second choice college. It was a hard decision, but ultimately I looked at the courses of both degrees at the colleges. And one is way better than the other. It does a lot of research and has a quite a few scholarships. One particular that I'm interested in.
          I think I've been living in reality more. And I actually think it's been good for me. After all our lives are the reality that we pick. And I'm proud of the one I've picked: civil engineering (no matter how hard it'll be), helping people, creating stuff, etc. It'll have it's hard times, but those are something I own too. Even now while things aren't great as they can be. I've kicked a lot of demons. A lot of bullies. And even the bad times teach us stuff--
\/ \/ \/ Yup

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