Sunday, October 16, 2016

Arctic Monkeys

             I can't really thing of a song today. So I'll put "Mad Sounds" by the Arctic Monkeys. It's kinda sad but I really like it. I also like the concept. Like Mad World, Mad Love, Mad Sounds (good music). lol It would almost make a good tattoo. lol Arctic Monkeys is one of my favorite bands in general anyway :) This is a live version. I couldn't really find any other versions. This is awesome though :)

            So long--

                                       \/ \/ \/ Yup

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Holding Onto You

           This is just a really cool song. A pretty interesting girl introduced it to me recently. I've had a really rough week, but I'm doing well. Just remember to do whatever makes you happy, and people aren't perfect. I'm not sure this song matches my mood right now but it's a damn good song to listen to anytime.

             Most people listen to 21 Pilots but I think this is one of their slightly less listened to songs. Idk. LOL

                                                "Remember the moment
                                                 You know exactly where you're goin'
                                                 'Cause the next moment before you know it
                                                 Time is slowin' and it's rolling still
                                                 And the windowsill looks really nice, right?
                                                 You think twice about your life
                                                 It probably happens at night, right?
                                                 Fight it, take the pain, ignite it
                                                 Tie a noose around your mind
                                                 Loose enough to breath fine and tie it
                                                 To a tree tell it, you belong to me, this ain't a noose
                                                 This is a leash and I have news for you
                                                  You must obey me"
                This are my favorite lyrics ever to this song. If you haven't listened to it you just have too.                   Anyway have a great day. So long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Having a Good Day

                  This song just kinda suits my mood today.....


    I really do like these guys though. They make really cool music. I've been listening to a lot of cool music lately. I'm on break right now and I feel so happy. I'm having such a great time. I went walking today and tried to catch some pokemon. I did't catch very many, but I got a ton of pokeballs and other stuff. I walked one and 1/3 of a mile in the park, and then maybe a half mile in town. 
 Not much else is going on. I'm almost finished with Lost and I think I've discovered most of the secrets. I won't tell you any though. lol And in other news I finally bought a truck. So I'm having a great time and I hope you are too :) So long--

\/ \/ \/ Yup

Monday, July 18, 2016


              Hey guys, I was thinking and I was thinking what song could I do today. And I thought of a song I was just listening to "Abracadabra". It is wonderful. You might of listened to it before. You might've listened to all of these. lol But even if you have, maybe not all of them, or maybe I'll just remind you of good songs. lol
             My life's been going pretty well. Not without it's down moments, but pretty well. Keep your finger crossed for me. Anyway have a great day. So long--

\/ \/ \/ Yup :) 

Monday, July 11, 2016

Gone by Jr Jr

             Hi guys so school has started back and I'm off break. I'm actually really glad. I just keep screwing up my life during break. Plus when break happened, I was right in the middle of something I needed to finish, so I'm working on that now. I've been listening to a little more rock and a little less indie. But I still love my indie so today I pick Gone by Jr Jr. It's a really cool song and I think it pertains to all kinds of people and all kinds of situations. The legs sliding off the people is a little weird but it is a really cool song :)
            I hope you have a really great day, So long--

\/\/\/ Yup 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

4th of July

                 Good morning peoples of this universe. I hope you had a wonderful and peaceful 4th of July. Peaceful because the kinds of people you encounter on holidays. LOL I went to a firework show for the 2nd time ever. It was one of the coolest things I ever saw. Don't laugh at that lol. You like fireworks, too. We always bought them when I was a kid. And that's really cool, but I like firework shows too :)
                I've stretched my ears to a 16 guage and I'm going to stretch them to a 14 guage next. I like plugs and stuff but I also really really like regular earring, so I'm trying to compromise. I have no idea what I want. LOL I want a helix piecing but I'm saving money right now so that is a no go.
                I'm hoping to buy a car soon. I've been looking at small SUV type vehicles, so I'm very excited.
                I hope you an awesome day. So long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Monday, June 13, 2016

Can I Get a Witness

              I think new favorite song is Can I Witness by Sonreal. I don't listen to much rap and he's definately one of my favorite rappers :) One of his other songs that I really like is Try. I just really like this song and lyrics. But it's just better if you listen to it.

And here's a bit of art I made for it:

So long--

\/\/\/ Yup


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Train and Art :)

                 Good afternoon people. This is Tuesday instead of Monday like usual. I actually can't remember the last time I wrote one. lol I haven't been up too much expect for making typography sort of things and some other random art. You can see it on my FB or deviantArt. I've been going to school like usual. 5 days a week. I had to do this drawing thing and I got past it. Now I'm doing isometric drawing and oblique. Give me some grid paper and I'm the bomb on isometric. It's pretty fun and our teacher is cool. Here's a bit of the art I did today. (Not in school or school related.)


Bullet Proof Picasso is my favorite train album I've listened to so far. They so many good songs but I'm just gonna pick out three not including Hey, Soul Sister since you might have heard that. You should really listen to Wonder What You're Doing For The Rest of Your Life, Son Of A Prison Guard (I really love that one), Bullet Proof Picasso and here's two from California 37 Bruises, and This'll Be My Year.

Anyway with that massive amount of infor maybe you're find a song you like ;) 
Anyway have a great day. So long--
\/\/\/ Yup

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Romeo and Juliet

                I know I promised Train, but I found this song and I'll do that next week :) I just really like this song. I know I always say that. lol I like the killers pretty good too. If you don't listen to their music go listen to Spaceman and Human. I think I should just name this Music Tuesday instead of Music Monday, or Just Music Whenever Indica Decides To Do This Day. LOL So long--

\/ \/ \/ Yup

Monday, May 9, 2016

I Can't Feel My Face When I'm With You

I'm back lol, and for once with an actual Music Monday on a Monday. I really like this song. It's not quite the genre I usually listen too, but it is worth listening too. It's also amazing how long he burns at the end. lol "I can't feel my face when I'm with you but I love it." Well I usually can feel my face but I really get the meaning of this song. LOL So, so long--

P.S. I've fallen in love with Train and that's what my next blog will be about.

                                                                                                                              \/\/\/ Yup

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Travel :)

         I've been working on Typography lately. I'm pretty terrible. That's not typography but it's something I made :) And in others news I'm having a great time. Life is an amazing and strange thing. So is Love :)
So long--                                                                                                        INDICA
YUP \/ \/ \/ :)

Monday, May 2, 2016

Music Monday

                   I love this song. This is a great song to chill to. I've always been listening to a lot of horror stories to pass the time and be in the background why I do school and stuff. I just love them. I listen to people like Lazy Masquerade and Be Busta and Corpse Husband and Ur Maker and people like that.
                   I feel like this song sound be playing in the background of my life a lot. I love CHAPPO. I love that band. The music video is a little graphic so I'll link it here It is a really good video though.                                                                                                                                            
                   So happy Monday folks. I hope you have a great day :) So long--

Yup \/ \/ \/


Monday, February 15, 2016

1st Month of School

          My life has been pretty topsy turvy in the last month. A little drama went farther than a long way. Lol. Maybe I'll say more when I get it fully resolved.
           I've been listening to sooooo much music since I started school. Most of it's been a little deary so I'm gonna try to find something cheerful for today.

This wasn't what I had in mind but it soooo good. Lol. I hope you guys have a great Monday :) So long--
Yup √√√

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


         Hello well Music Monday's late, but life is good :) I'm pretty tired, but school has been going well. Right now I'm learning how to use the AutoCad program. It's frustrating, but kinda interesting. At least I'm making progress. I feel like I made progress today. I've been in school for 7 days now so I'm glad I'm making progress.
         There's been a another good development in my life but I can't quite tell you about it yet. I'm really happy anyway.

This song doesn't match my mood but dang.....

It is good. I really really love this song. Anyway I hope you guys have a great, productive week. Good-bye. So long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup 

Tuesday, January 5, 2016


           So I've had a good day. Today's Music Monday. I can't quite tell you why I'm happy so I'm just gonna leave you with a upbeat tune. LOL

         Day 2 and I feel really happy. It was the 2nd day of school. It was good, but that's not why I'm happy. LOL I'm just really happy. I do hope with CAD program that all goes well over the next 16 mo.
            I know this kinda a sad song, but I love it. I also think it's happy in a way; as in letting go of tings. Anyway it's stuck in my head so I hope you enjoy.

So long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup

P.S. I don't know why theses songs have sorta the same theme. It's not how I'm feeling or anything. LOL

Friday, January 1, 2016


            Hello, hello, hello :) How are you this fine Jan. morning/evening/whatever. I'm starting school Monday! In two days. It hasn't been closer. I think now it feels real. I also now feel like I've been saying I'm going to school for a long time. (Since I enrolled in Oct.) So now I got to live up to all that talk. LOL Anyway it's real, and it's happening, and I look forward to it. The only other things I got going on in my life are the fact I'm learning sign language and I'm trying to learn code. That might be a longer process. I'm not sure.
        I washed all my clothes today, and I don't feel much like getting organized but that's what I did. So while my life is still pretty boring; I'm starting something. And I haven't did that in a while. I'm actually starting a lot of things this year. I want to regularly make videos and write blogs. I mean like all the time. LOL I also might try to take some photography, but I'm kinda leaving that to the pro's. I'm not sure what else I'll do that's creative this year, but I want to do something :)
         Also for the first time ever my sisters are staying away. It's never happened before and it's new to our family, but it's a good thing. And changes are good. They'll return in a few weeks and maybe they'll appreciate me more. LOL JK So long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Here's the link to my Youtube videos: