Friday, January 30, 2015

On Love

                   I'm so sad. I have such a hard time in love. Finding it. Getting people to like me. Knowing who I am. I just get so sad. I think I might've loved someone a long time ago. Even though we're never going to be together I still think about them all of the time. It okay though, it's a nice memory. That person will always be in my heart. It's hardest when I find people that look like that person though.
                 I'm always looking around and somebodies always getting into a relationship. It looks so easily. One day you're single and the next day you've found the person you're gonna merry. LOL. Maybe I don't need that, but I do need someone.
               Somtimes I wonder if I'll ever fall in love. Maybe I can't. It doesn't seem plausible, but I don't know. Have I ever been in love? Still the answer remains the same. I have people who I hold in my heart. I've had a lot of crushes. Liking people (other that right now) isn't hard for me, but love remains elusive.
              Good-bye guys. Have a nice week. Be lucky. LOL. So long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Friday, January 23, 2015

Here's some pics of me :)


               OK, guys I'm really tired. Today was the 2nd day I did a GED class thing.
              I haven't been up to much. Mainly just watching Louis Cole vlogs. They're really cool.
              I've come a long way without getting a cold, but my throat is starting to get a little sore and my lymph nodes are sore.
              It's tomorrow. Sorry I haven't been around much. I've been doing things. What I truthfully need to do is study, but nevertheless today I decided to work on my IndicanPoetess facebook page. I need to put more of my poetry up, but I did get a whole week of #NightlyQuotes queued. Should I or should I not also put them up on tumblr?
              I keep watching Louis Cole's vlogs, and they simultaneously make me want to travel and take photography. On the subject of photography I keep looking at more and more photography and wonder if I would enjoy taking it as much as I enjoy looking at it. I've always been more of a experience it now and write about it later kind of person. I might give it a go. Who knows what could happen. Any way, have a nice day. Take pictures. LoL. I got to go. So long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup
P.S. Here's the link to my facebook.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Awesome Plans

                   Today I feel like I've found a lot of myself. In life we are given lots choices. Sometimes between awesome and awesome. Make sure you've found the right awesome.
                   I've had a lot of fun today. Listened to a lot of music, helped out, studied, and blogged stuff on tumblr. It's seriously awesome. Check out the archive, you can view a lot more stuff there at one time, and it's seriously awesome.
                 I want to help lots of people in life and go on lots of adventures. After I get out of college I kinda want to divide my time doing just that. Those are the most important things to me.
                 I just want to live a life of adventure and be happy, no matter how cliched that sounds. Don't worry I will do other things too. I feel like I'll end up with several careers. I want to start my own organization, or maybe just a project (or multiple ones), volunteer for quite a few different organizations (that ones not out reach 'cause all you really got to do is just volunteer,) possibly go on an archaeological dig, write books, blog, become an artist, and keep up with all my online stuff.
                 There might be sacrifices, but that'll be okay. I'm happy and I look forward to my adult life. A lot of people want you too down size your expectations so you aren't knocked on your ass. But they fail to mention the misery of not doing things that cause you to live a happy life. I'd risk being knocked flat on my butt. It might be part of the journey. Never give up. So long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Day 2 or 3--Practice Test

Day Number 2--HiSet Practice Test
               Well it's actually day number 3, yesterday was scheduled for a little later so we had to finish today. I did pretty well today. I did good in reading, science, and social studies; not so well in math or writing. Here are my scores, Math 11 out of 25--Somewhat prepared, Reading 27 out of 27--Well prepared, Writing 14 out of 27--Somewhat prepared, Science 23 out of 25--Well prepared, Social Studies--23 out of 25--Well prepared. The wring part is more like editing than writing (except for the essay of course).
              Tonight I'm doing the dishes. Not exactly what I want to be doing.
              Well I got to go. Over and out--
\/ \/ \/ Yup 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

GED Process

             Today I'm rather exhausted. Yesterday I started the GED process. It's very stressful, but very worth it.
             I've noticed here lately as the week goes on I get more and more stressed out. At this rate I'm going to die. I'm dead. Ahh no worries though things are moving on and I'm thankful for that. If yours truly would stop procrastinating I would be done 'cause I only have like two things to do to day. Wow, I'm such a procrastinator. If I sound different or snarky it's just cause I just got through watching a snarky video. Blame it on that. LOL JK Gotta go guys.
                                                                                                 Over and out,
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Sunday, January 11, 2015


              Hello guys, today is Sunday. Happy Sunday.
              I've been thinking and you really got to face your problems before they get better. That's your tip for this Sunday. I've really been working on relaxing and not getting as stressed out as I was, at the same time I've been working more. So maybe it's just about getting good and relaxed.
              I'm going to start the GED process tomorrow. I waited along time and a got the feeling this is going to take a lot longer. Don't get me wrong I'm really glad this got started. I'm just a little impatient I guess.
              I really want to get my own place or maybe an apartment. I feel it would be nice for me. The trouble is finding a place, or coming up with the money.
              In other news, is the font on blog hard to read? If so please comment and let me know. I've been watching Stalker and I made a We Heart It account. If you you want follow me click on this. If you want to see more cool stuff check out my tumblr blog.
               Relax, curl up and watch a move. Enjoy your Sunday. Have a nice day. Bye!
                                                                                                Over and out,
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Thursday, January 8, 2015

            What happens when a writer is broken? That seems to be the story of my life. For the longest time now I've had a hard time writing. There's so many aspects of it I'm sure; but I'm tired of this, so I'm going to fix myself. A lot of the aspects of my life aren't so peachy now, but I'm working on it. I made a little bit of progress yesterday when I stopped stressing and just enjoyed myself. I made a little progress when I realized I can write in first person narrative (I think that's what it's called) really, really well. I enjoy that kind of writing and I think once I begin I'll be really good at it.
           So I've been enjoying and taking little steps at a time. It's hard tight now because I feel so panicky. After what I've been through I'm sure we all would, but I think I'm going to be Okay.
                                                                                                    So long,
Yup \/ \/ \

Friday, January 2, 2015

        Well today's been a dozy. With emotional ups and downs. I'm learning how to drive and I honestly think it's more stressful for my parents than for me.
         One minute I'm so anxious I think I could die and then (thank you to these people) everything feels a lot better.
         In 2015 I'm going to have play my cards close to hand. I'm going to have to use delicate precision. It's going to be tough and I got to stay focused. Or I'm gonna drop the ball.
        I hope this is the year I get into college, I hope this is the year I get a boyfriend, I hope this year I'm braver and I live up to my full potential. I gotta stop being scared and letting people push me around. I gotta start really being who I am and not hiding. It's hard but you got to put your foot out of the comfort zone. Just a little at a time. Crawl out of that dark hole. Just a little at a time. It's hard, but you'll look back and be amazed you ever were that person, caught in that web, that dark spot. You'll know how far you've come and how far you have to go, but it will feel so much better :)
              Down below drinking water for new years eve. Yup, it's real water.
              Also in other new I made a teeny tiny book read it at Wattpad. (I really hope that link works.)
                                                                                                 Signing off,
\/ \/ \/ Yup