Saturday, February 28, 2015


                 Hello people :) Well I got a job. I'm going to work on Wednesday. Been busy. My minds a little blank. It's funny how if you get ever thing done you neglect things like cleaning, but if you clean then you neglect everything else. I'm almost at the end of this GED race. I'll be taking it on March 9th, then hopefully I'll be taking the ACT on April 18th. Too late to apply to college this year, but that does leave me the winter semester. I'm not depressed about it like you think I would be. I'll work until then and make a little money.
                I've been feeling better lately. Strangely enough, cleaning my room has made me feel better. Everything's clean (OK I only cleaned half of my room, but I'll get there), and organised, and I feel more in control. And I'm reminded of all the great things that I do have. So long--


\/ \/ \/ Yup 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Hello Internet--I'm Back

          Hello guys, well first blog since I took a break. The two weeks off was interesting. Things didn't exactly go as I planned. For one they postponed the GED to March 9th. Oh well I have two more weeks left to study.
           I was in kinda of a dreary mood when I left. Things haven't gotten any better, but I now think I know how to make them that way. You see there's the key. Knowing how. Knowing how to make things better.
            I now have a plan. It's not my favorite plan by any means, but it has a few good points. Including moving to a place I like. My journey may make a few twisty turns but I won't give up. I really want to go that college. And I'm going. I'll be fine. I'm more concerned about myself in love. I always have a hard time. I'm just learning who I am.
         Well anyway hello internet, I'm back. And no matter how much I dislike you at times I'll always be back. So long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Monday, February 9, 2015

"Till Two Weeks

           I'm going to get my GED in two weeks so I won't be here much. I just need to focus on that for a little bit, plus I have some other things I need to work out. So good-bye for the next two weeks. I will keep some stuff up on my facebook page. So good-bye guys. Enjoy life. Have a good day :) So long--

\/ \/ \/ Yup 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

All About Dat Balance

                  Hi guys. Really busy. Crazy balance. Life is all about balance. And balance isn't even spelled with an "e". Why? OK so I've been trying to get my life in order. I've said that many times. I'm actually working on it this time. Really hard. Every day. Maybe be 2016 I'll have it together. OK no I'm kidding, 2017. Yeah, lol 2017 is perfect. I just get to doing so well on one thing. Then I neglect all the others. And for no particular reason.
                  Well the good news is I got awesome books to read. I feel pretty good (for the lack of sleep I've got.) Studying is going OK. I have my minutes where I feel it could be going better. But all in all I'm better at math than what I thought. Not great. Not great at all. But apparently I can get it. I've got some new stuff and my capability to think big and dream is coming back. For a little while my brain was dead.
                   Well so long--

Monday, February 2, 2015

This Time of My Life Could Be Called: The Moment of Truth

           Been studying today. Fairly successfully I might say. It's still stressful.
           I've came up with some pretty good ideas for my FB page. I'm glad that's finally being a bit easier.
           I'm also feeling a little bit better. Not fully mind you, just a little, and that's nice. I figured out where my thoughts went wrong, and what I was doing with my life. Something I've found out is your first plan was probably the best. Not that it couldn't use alterations, but changing it too much probably isn't going to create the results you want. Writing is a funny thing with me. The subject of much of my inner conflict. The pain we artists go through to handle our creative brains. It's just harder for us to figure out what they're trying to tell us. I get so overwhelmed and worried I won't enjoy doing any of the things I love, I forget it just might be a little thing.
           Right now this chapter of my life could be called: The Moment of Truth. Sadly I hate moments of truth. They require so much energy. LOL I'm just kidding the reason why I hate moments of truth are because many of them are moments of conflict as well, and bravery, and standing up for yourself. Yay. That's just what I'm good at. Anyway the ax will fall. I will have my moment of truth and it's time I grow up and do this. This will not be the only time life requires me to stand up for myself. Some of you guys may be laughing and think this is easy, but a lot of people have a hard standing up for themselves. It's hard. I'm getting a little better at it each day. Someday I'll be Ok.
            This isn't a sad post. This is the time in my life I've been waiting for for years. It's time to get ready. To bite the bullet. To do the things I want to do, and live the life I want. It's only going to end in misery if I don't. Well so long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup