Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Thank You

             I've been noticing I have a lot of views. I don't know who are mystery viewers, but thank you. Please follow my blog and have a wonderful Tuesday. I'm going to work at 11. Yay me I don't have to get up early.
             I hope guys stick around and keep viewing my blog. Thank you. Bye. So long--      
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Monday, March 23, 2015

Our Dog Had Puppies or I Got 99 Problems and They're Literally All Me

             Wow. I'm working the third week at my job. I'm currently doing dishes so I got to go back down stairs and do them. Oh and my laundry. This day is just getting better.
               OK, well still doing dishes. A whole fruckus has been started I don't look forward to when my parents come home. I still got writers block. I think at least. It's not nearly as bad as it was. For that I'm grateful. I'm just not sure if I still wanna write. You know the moment I give up on it is the moment I write.
               My hours at the store are making me irritable. 7 to 11 today. Everyday this week is different. I just can'ta wait until the get set.
               Don't get me wrong I still love blogging. It's like writing in a personal diary. It makes me really happy. I just haven't thought up anything creative in a little while, much less a poem. I have been thing about painting and other visual art here lately. I've always loved them and I just need to take things lightly right now. I've figured out most of my problems are I take life to seriously. Not that it's not meant to be taking seriously, sometimes you just need to lighten up. I get really stressed out and worried about things that no else does and are never going to make a single difference. I took way to many things that needed to be taken lighter with a seriousness that literally sometime kills.
             Oh well I'm doing better and when I have time I'll do a full breakdown of hings I've learned. In other news our dog had puppies.

So long. Your very busy--
\/ \/ \/ Yup               

Friday, March 13, 2015

Facing My Fears, Etc.

          Sorry guys for not posting stuff. I started a new job and a lot's been going down. No matter what's going down I promise not to go anywhere. I'll still be here. LOL I think I'm gonna try to be blogging about once a week.
         This week I'm gonna try to be facing things that scare me. It's really hard but it's worth it. It's something that's personally really hard for me. I'm not the kinda person to deal with things like that. Issues, problems, etc, I will. I don't like to deal with problems like that but I will. The big things, well, I just always kinda had nightmares about those. I'm not currently having nightmares, thank God, but that doesn't mean I should leave things unresolved. There are a great deal of opportunities out there and I may miss them if I don't handles my insecurities and fears. Also it would help if I just got my butt in gear. LOL On second thought this makes me feel better so maybe I should do it every night :)
         In other news I started a job. Working at FoodGiant in the Deli. For those of you not here FoodGiant is just a supermarket.
         Well that's all I have for this week. So so long--
                       (Source Navy FB)                                                           
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

1st Day of Work

                 Well hello, my first day of work went well. I'll be glad when training's over so I can work, but all in all I had a pretty good day.
                 I'm feeling pretty good in general. Trying not to stress. That's only being semi-successful act. It's just very hard for me to relax and not become obsessed. It's hard not to let my brain get me so obsessed about so many little things, and lots of insecurities, that I'm no longer in charge anymore.
                  Well anyway I'm going to try to relax now. Goodnight everyone. So long--

\/ \/ \/ Yup :)