Friday, October 10, 2014

Hello! I keep trying to say good morning, when it's obviously in the afternoon. I don't have much to say today. My mind is actually kind of blank. Which is proving to be problematic.
               My FB page is going well. My mom gave it a shout out on her FB page so that helped. (She's pretty big on Youtube.) I keep thinking about my creative process. How much it is improving. About my emotional process. How much it is improving. I used to be embarrassed to show people emotional poetry. While it's an issue, and my poetry isn't overly emotional. I feel better about my emotions and about showing them. I like to help people and that helps. I hope my poetry helps them. All in all it just felt kind of embarrassing and now I don't feel that way.
              Well my mind is still kind of blank, so I think I'll dig out an old one and show them.
              Good bye for today.

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