Friday, October 10, 2014

Hello! I keep trying to say good morning, when it's obviously in the afternoon. I don't have much to say today. My mind is actually kind of blank. Which is proving to be problematic.
               My FB page is going well. My mom gave it a shout out on her FB page so that helped. (She's pretty big on Youtube.) I keep thinking about my creative process. How much it is improving. About my emotional process. How much it is improving. I used to be embarrassed to show people emotional poetry. While it's an issue, and my poetry isn't overly emotional. I feel better about my emotions and about showing them. I like to help people and that helps. I hope my poetry helps them. All in all it just felt kind of embarrassing and now I don't feel that way.
              Well my mind is still kind of blank, so I think I'll dig out an old one and show them.
              Good bye for today.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Hello, I know I haven't been on here in a while. Not much has changed. I'm more serious than ever about going to college. Since I'm turning 18 in Dec. the pressure is on. Right now don't have an incredible amount of computer time anywhere. (Just when I get to barrow my parents.) We don't always know what the future brings. Right now that's stressful because I have a tendency to get off track. Yeah, I know. All 17 year olds do. But I think I'm worse than others.
                I've started  a facebook page to post my poetry on. Now the stress is on about that. Not really. But I don't want to disappoint.
                Anyway things aren't so bad now. I quit my horrible job; and I've finely mastered my anxiety attacks. Trust me there is nothing better than that. So when this over, I'll be grateful. There is so much to look forward to.