Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Well This Got Weird

             Hello guys. It's my lazy Tuesday off. My first and only of this week.
             As far as recent developments go there's not many. I do want to start drawing comic strips though. I've always loved to draw them, but I've only did like three. I'm really bad at drawing. Anyway I like making them, so that's what I'm going to start doing.
            Next month I may get my drivers license. That's a development that's long in coming. My save for a car is going well. I don't know how long, but it shouldn't be long 'till I have a car.
          My job at the store is going OK. I'm way better at. It's still difficult but I just rather go to work than not. I'm just not one of those people who stay at home. I just need to get out of the house.
        Speaking of that; I've made a little change in plans. I've decided on a different college that I want to go to. I had a first and second choice college. It was a hard decision, but ultimately I looked at the courses of both degrees at the colleges. And one is way better than the other. It does a lot of research and has a quite a few scholarships. One particular that I'm interested in.
          I think I've been living in reality more. And I actually think it's been good for me. After all our lives are the reality that we pick. And I'm proud of the one I've picked: civil engineering (no matter how hard it'll be), helping people, creating stuff, etc. It'll have it's hard times, but those are something I own too. Even now while things aren't great as they can be. I've kicked a lot of demons. A lot of bullies. And even the bad times teach us stuff--
\/ \/ \/ Yup

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

First Person Narrative

          I think I'm going to try to write this blog as chapters of of life in first person narrative. So it's gonna look a little weird at first, but I think it'll turn out awesome.
         I'm not gonna do the whole chapter thing. But I do want this to be a long term thing. (I'm gonna try it anyway.)
         By the way I'm taking my ACT on June 13th, and I'm finishing my GED on May 28. So good luck everyone. So long--
\/ \/ \/ Yup :)