Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Doing Better


In short I've been doing better. Someone told me recently I should make things what I wanted them to be. That in itself doesn't sound like a very revolutionary idea. I definitely still have bad days. I still get lonely. However, recently, I had the thought that I wanted to start embracing the good sides of my life more. It's shocking how much the little (doable) changes help. I've been trying to change my perspective a little, too. I tend to be kinda negative; maybe a little gloomy. While, I'll always have a melancholy side, maybe it's better to try to see the good things. To have good evenings. Good weekends. To make it what it what I want. To add a little color. 

     I've been decorating my apartment and collecting ideas to do over time. I've cleaning and organizing and trying to see people (as safely as I can in these days). The above gif is one of my favorite Fun. songs (it is a little gloomy). I love alternative music. So if you have any good alternative music suggestions send them my way. 

I wrote this a little while back. I'm gonna post it today. I'll try to have another one up shortly with some exciting life updates...Byeeee.
